Communication – Part Two: Why Being Open To Giving And Receiving Effective And Constructive Feedback is Vital For Your Business And Personal Growth

Matt Malouf is a passionate , speaker, , and entrepreneur on a mission to help entrepreneurs around the world break the shackles of mediocrity and reach new levels of personal and business success.
Barbara Turley is the Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub, a company that specializes in recruiting, training, and managing superstar ‘Virtual Assistants’ in the social media, digital marketing, and systems automation space.

Communication – Part Two: Why Being Open To Giving And Receiving Effective And Constructive Feedback is Vital For Your Business And Personal Growth

In episode two of our three-part special, we focus in on the area of giving and receiving effective feedback and why being open to this as a business owner is essential for the growth of your people and your business, as well as your own personal growth.

Giving constructive feedback can be quite a challenging experience, especially when the feedback may be somewhat negative and so a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with this, or may shy away from it completely.

To help solve this, in this episode we share:

Real-life case studies on the dos and don’ts of giving effective feedback.
Why giving feedback doesn’t necessarily have to be a horrible conversation.
When done correctly, the feedback process can be collaborative and rewarding.
How important it is to give feedback to your VA in order to refine systems and processes going forward.
How the feedback process extends beyond that initial conversation.
Why seeing you and your VA as a team is paramount to a successful working relationship.

Let us know what your key takeout has been from this episode and join the continuing conversation over in the Virtual Success Facebook Group.

In this episode:

03:18 – It’s a two-way street
04:17 – Resistance as a result of fear
06:01 – Client case study – “Please don’t tell my VA, but…”
06:46 – Lose-lose strategy
08:04 – Be clear with your feedback communication
09:48 – It’s not a blame game
11:56 – Be mindful of cultural differences
13:13 – The use of video communication
14:00 – Feedback is more than one conversation
15:55 – Be willing to invest the time up front
17:43 – Some practical steps to put in place
20:03 – See yourselves as a team
21:14 – The mindset for success
22:36 – Being mindful of how you communicate your feedback
23:50 – Make your intentions clear
25:25 – Wrapping things up

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