How Annette Lackovic, Australia’s #1 Female Sales Expert Is Building On Her Success With The Help Of Virtual Teams

Matt Malouf is a passionate , speaker, , and entrepreneur on a mission to help entrepreneurs around the world break the shackles of mediocrity and reach new levels of personal and business success.
Barbara Turley is the Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub, a company that specializes in recruiting, training, and managing superstar ‘Virtual Assistants’ in the social media, digital marketing, and systems automation space.

How Annette Lackovic, Australia’s #1 Female Sales Expert Is Building On Her Success With The Help Of Virtual Teams

In this episode, special guest Annette Lackovic, Australia’s #1 Female Sales Expert, shares her first-hand experience in working with virtual teams and how they have contributed to the growth of her business.

This episode is full of insights and tips from Annette on how to overcome some of the common traps entrepreneurs can fall into when onboarding new virtual team members.

Some of the areas she covers are:

Why perseverance is key in those first few weeks of having a VA?
Why it’s important not to shy away from those ‘tough’ conversations?
Why open and honest communication is pivotal in building a solid working relationship with your virtual teams?
How important the connection is that you have with your virtual team and ensuring there is an element of fun in your work day?
Understanding your VAs skills and passions and fostering these to help them grow within your business, and ultimately grow your business?
Why it is important to take the time to train your virtual team from the outset, to remove any unrealistic expectations you may have of them and their abilities, and vice versa?
When’s the right time to bring a VA on board part-time vs. full-time?
Why you really can’t afford NOT to have a VA?

Let us know what your key takeout has been from this episode and join the continuing conversation over in the Virtual Success Facebook Group.

In this episode:

01:24 – Perseverance is key
05:33 – Tough conversations
06:33 – Open and honest communication
09:05 – Let’s have some fun
10:45 – Helping your VA grow in the role
15:30 – Avoiding unrealistic expectations
19:10 – Part-time vs. full-time
23:28 – You can’t afford NOT to have a VA
27:00 – Wrapping things up

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