How Maria Golding, Founder of Intuitive Motherhood, Has Embraced the World of Virtual Teams to Achieve Her Business Goals

Matt Malouf is a passionate , speaker, , and entrepreneur on a mission to help entrepreneurs around the world break the shackles of mediocrity and reach new levels of personal and business success.
Barbara Turley is the Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub, a company that specializes in recruiting, training, and managing superstar ‘Virtual Assistants’ in the social media, digital marketing, and systems automation space.

How Maria Golding, Founder of Intuitive Motherhood, Has Embraced the World of Virtual Teams to Achieve Her Business Goals

In this episode, Intuitive Motherhood & Embodied Parenting Coach & Speaker Maria Golding, talks us through how she has built a team of virtual specialists to assist her in achieving her business, and personal, goals.

This episode is full of insights from Maria on how she has played to her strengths and the things she loves doing, whilst surrounding herself with amazing virtual teams, to essentially do the rest.

Some of the areas covered include:

The importance of not waiting too long to seek help
Listening and implementing sound advice can definitely work in your favour
Expanding, rather than contracting, your business when things seem tough
Identifying your genius, and letting go of the rest
Why having the right business tools is important to the overall success of your business

Let us know what your key takeout has been from this episode and join the continuing conversation over in the Virtual Success Facebook Group.

In this episode:

01:47 – About Maria
04:26 – Why Maria sought help
06:41 – Accepting sound advice
07:16 – The importance of having specialists on your team
09:45 – Expanding, rather than contracting, your business
10:46 – Business automation
11:27 – Having a VA with the correct training and support
13:04 – Identifying your genius…and letting go
14:15 – Transitioning to a new VA
17:20 – Following the success formula
20:30 – Facing your fears
23:08 – Maria’s advice for overcoming your fears
25:43 – Wrapping things up

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