Think You’ve Only Got 5 Hours of Work to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant…Think Again!

Matt Malouf is a passionate , speaker, , and entrepreneur on a mission to help entrepreneurs around the world break the shackles of mediocrity and reach new levels of personal and business success.
Barbara Turley is the Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub, a company that specializes in recruiting, training, and managing superstar ‘Virtual Assistants’ in the social media, digital marketing, and systems automation space.

Think You’ve Only Got 5 Hours of Work to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant…Think Again!

In this episode, Barbara and Matt talk listeners through some honest truths when it comes to deciding just how many hours per week you ‘think’ you can delegate to a virtual assistant.

This episode takes a look at the essential factors to bear in mind when deciding to onboard a VA and how, if you are truly committed, you could easily find at least 20 hours of work for a virtual assistant to do in your business, every single week!

Some of the areas covered include:

The only way to really know what to delegate is understanding where you’re spending your time
The importance of changing your mindset to “Stop Doing” certain tasks, so you can focus on more of the things you love doing
How putting ‘positive stress’ on yourself can help your business grow faster
Bringing in specialists for ad-hoc tasks can also help reduce your workload, freeing up valuable time for more important, revenue-generating tasks

Let us know what your key takeout has been from this episode and join the continuing conversation over in the Virtual Success Facebook Group.

Resources mentioned in this show:

The Stop Doing List –

In this episode:

00:55 – So I ‘think’ I only need 5 hours a week from my VA
03:28 – If you think you’ve only got 5 hours, you’re not committed enough
04:32 – Changing your mindset to ‘stop doing’
06:59 – Are you in business, or have you just created a job for yourself?
09:30 – How to ‘Time Log’
11:35 – Ask yourself – “How can I stop doing?”
14:30 – Positive stress
16:43 – Shifting your focus
17:45 – Pros of committing to a full-time VA
18:47 – Bringing in specialists for ad hoc tasks
22:51 – Wrapping things up

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