Why Siimon Reynolds, One Of The World’s Leading High Performance Coaches for CEOs and Entrepreneurs, Is Using Virtual Teams For Many Key Functions Within His Highly Successful Business

Matt Malouf is a passionate , speaker, , and entrepreneur on a mission to help entrepreneurs around the world break the shackles of mediocrity and reach new levels of personal and business success.
Barbara Turley is the Founder & CEO of The Virtual Hub, a company that specializes in recruiting, training, and managing superstar ‘Virtual Assistants’ in the social media, digital marketing, and systems automation space.

Why Siimon Reynolds, One Of The World’s Leading High Performance Coaches for CEOs and Entrepreneurs, Is Using Virtual Teams For Many Key Functions Within His Highly Successful Business

In this episode, Siimon Reynolds, mentor to business owners worldwide, shares his own experiences with using virtual teams and how using virtual staff for many vital functions within his business allows him to keep his business running successfully, as a 24/7 operation.

This episode is full of insights from Siimon into how to effectively use virtual teams to create business success.

Some of the areas he covers are:

Why having a team of virtual ‘specialists’ is so beneficial to your business
Deciding whether full-time, part-time or project-based staff work best for you
The advantages of virtual teams versus local teams
Managing the challenges of working across time zones
How to get over the ‘hurdle’ or fear of thinking virtual teams won’t work for you
How important it is to have very clear processes in place for your virtual team
The importance of regular communication, both verbal and written, with your team

Let us know what your key takeout has been from this episode and join the continuing conversation over in the Virtual Success Facebook Group.

In this episode:

01:46 – Key team players
04:34 – Part-time vs. Full-time vs. Project-based
05:25 – Advantages of virtual teams over local teams
07:30 – Challenges of working across time zones
11:40 – ‘The Hurdle’
12:30 – Getting over ‘The Hurdle’
14:43 – So I have a VA, now what?
16:40 – Good relationships
17:33 – How proactive should my VA be?
19:56 – The art of communication
21:39 – The more you grow, the better people you need
22:52 – Wrapping things up

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